Full Body Workout - Stretching
Full Body Workout - Stretching
This full body stretching session is a great way to relax in between or after your workouts. Stefanie Rohr and co-presenter Carlos will show you a series of gentle stretching and holding exercises that you’ll accompany with some calm breathing.
You’ll start by stretching your head/neck area, chest and arms in the heel sit position. If you are unable to get your heels and butt to touch, feel free to grab a towel or a small pillow to gain that extra height. You’ll then get into the Cat-Cow pose in a quadruped position before continuing with some leg and hip flexor stretches.
Once you’ve reached the end, you will have loosened up your entire body. Make sure to give yourself a few minutes to enjoy this relaxation and really feel its effects on your muscles.
Tip: don't force yourself when stretching - just go as far as you can!
Note: You'll find the equipment you need for this full-body and endurance workout under the "General Information" tab.
Included Exercises
- Stretching 13:38