
1. The subject matter of the General Terms and Conditions

The subject matter of the General Terms and Conditions is the regulation of the contractual conditions for all contracts of GmbH für Sport und Fitness online with the members of the online portal, which are concluded via the portal The General Terms and Conditions apply in the version valid at the time the contract is concluded.

2. Conditions for participation

The prerequisite for participation in is the conclusion of a participation contract including these General Terms and Conditions. The contractual partner for this is GmbH für Sport und Fitness online. Membership is only valid for the website However, GmbH is also authorised to provide the contractual services under a different website, of which you will be informed in good time if necessary. The offer under a different domain has no influence on the existence of the membership, whereby GmbH guarantees that the contractual services will remain identical, so that you will not suffer any disadvantage as a result. All natural persons are eligible to participate. Participation in is restricted to persons aged 18 and over.

It should be noted that not all exercises are suitable for everyone. A doctor should be consulted before starting any physical activity. Excessive eating before exercise should also be avoided. To minimise the risk of injury, avoid overuse and jerky movements. The exercises do not replace a medical examination or treatment; possible restrictions due to chronic or acute illnesses or for women during pregnancy must be taken into account.

By completing and submitting the registration form, you are making an offer to conclude a participation contract with GmbH für Sport und Fitness online only declares its acceptance and thus the conclusion of the participation contract for once the full scope of services has been activated.

3. Terms of use

All videos on are protected by copyright and are intended exclusively for private use. Any use beyond this, e.g. unauthorised reproduction, storage, public presentation, broadcasting or other commercial use, is prohibited and will be prosecuted under criminal and civil law. Reference to goods or services of other Internet or other providers, whether commercial or private, is not permitted. All publications and other content provided by you must be of a private nature, i.e. they must not be intended to generate material gain. The sending of advertising e-mails, promotional materials from third parties, junk or mass e-mails (‘spam’), chain letters etc. by you is also expressly prohibited. In the event of commercial or otherwise unauthorised content, GmbH für Sport und Fitness online reserves the right to delete such content immediately and to claim damages. The assertion of this claim for damages does not affect all other rights and claims of GmbH für Sport und Fitness online.

You are also obliged to treat your user name and access password for as strictly confidential. You must ensure that your corresponding accesses are only used by you personally. You must inform immediately in writing of any misuse of your passwords or your access to The posting of content that adversely affects the operational resources of and is not permitted. In particular, you are prohibited from saving, publishing and/or transmitting materials that contain software viruses or other information, files or programs that are intended or suitable for interrupting, destroying and/or restricting the function of computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. Finally, you will refrain from modifying, overwriting, copying or distributing the areas of websites not made available to you by GmbH für Sport und Fitness online and

4. Technical requirements for use

A current Internet browser and a broadband Internet connection with a download speed of at least 600 kbit (6 Mbit) are required to use the Internet pages. In addition, the Internet browser must allow the use of Javascript and cookies (see also our data protection information).

5. Availability of 

As GmbH für Sport und Fitness online has no influence on the transport of data via the Internet outside the server and due to the peculiarities and uncertainties of the Internet, GmbH für Sport und Fitness online cannot accept any liability for errors in the area of data transmission, including for the portal. GmbH für Sport und Fitness online endeavours to ensure the widest possible availability of the service via the Internet, but for technical reasons (server backup, maintenance, etc.) cannot guarantee constant perfect availability. Service interruptions are possible. Accordingly, no liability can be accepted for damages resulting from temporary unavailability or only limited availability. GmbH für Sport und Fitness online assumes at least 98% availability of its services at on an annual average. This does not include times when the web server cannot be reached via the Internet due to technical or other problems that are beyond the control of (force majeure, fault of third parties, etc.).

In the event of merely temporary downtimes, you are expressly not entitled to any reduction and/or other claims. Any other liability of, irrespective of the legal grounds, is limited to the amount of the contributions actually paid by the participant claiming recourse. Further claims for compensation are excluded, unless they are caused intentionally or through gross negligence by employees of GmbH für Sport und Fitness online. This also includes liability for material and immaterial (consequential) damage caused by the inadvertent or technically incorrect transmission of data.

The above exclusion and limitation of liability shall not affect liability for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health caused by a negligent breach of duty by  GmbH für Sport und Fitness online or an intentional or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent of GmbH für Sport und Fitness online, as well as for other damages that are based on a grossly negligent breach of duty by GmbH für Sport und Fitness onlineor on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent of GmbH für Sport und Fitness online or on a violation of the Product Liability Act.

6. Data security

If and insofar as GmbH processes or stores data within the meaning of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), GmbH will observe and comply with the applicable data protection regulations (in particular the BDSG and the Telecommunications Act (TKG), see also our data protection information.

7. Place of jurisdiction

The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising in connection with the contractual relationship - including those arising from withdrawal - shall be Heidelberg, Germany if the customer is a registered trader, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply exclusively.

8. Conditions of validity of the general terms and conditions

In the event that you use your own General Terms and Conditions that deviate from the content of these General Terms and Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions of GmbH für Sport und Fitness online shall apply exclusively with regard to and all key points mentioned here. Conflicting or deviating terms and conditions on your part will not be recognized unless GmbH für Sport und Fitness online has agreed to them in writing in individual cases.

Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced by the statutory provision.

Status: 18.12.2024