Optometry school - Eye Yoga
Optometry school - Eye Yoga
This office eye yoga session from Dirk Pinnig's optometry school improves ocular mobility and eye relaxation.
The first part of this session requires a metronome, which will help you perform the following movements at a slow pace and, therefore, reach the desired effects of this training. Start by getting yourself comfortable and sitting up straight on your office chair. Then follow the rhythm set by the metronome and move your eyes right and left. Later on during the session, Dirk and Julia will show you different variations with up-and -down eye movements. Don't forget that your breathing should be calm and relaxed throughout the entire exercise, and that you need to blink your eyes to keep them moisturized! It's important to perform all movements gently in order to avoid potential muscle ache.
The second part of this session focuses on eye relaxation. Start by rubbing your hands together and shielding your eyes by covering with them with your hands. Then slowly remove your hands, blink several times and loosen up your posture. This will give you a lighter and more relaxed gaze!
Note: This session isn't unfortunately suitable for retinal detachment.
Included Exercises
- Eye Yoga 03:45