Hatha Yoga easy - Full course
Hatha Yoga easy - Full course
This yoga session, which takes place on a terrace in front of a beautiful background, is a real treat for your body and mind! Yoga expert Annette Arndt will show you three different blocks with various yoga poses, such as an activating mudra, pranayama and dynamic asanas, that will give you lots of energy and strength. You will simultaneously learn how to let go of everyday stress and ground yourself through meditation.
The first block will start with some mindfulness meditation, during which you’ll focus all your attention on your body and breathing in order to deeply relax (sunset and sea sounds included). We will continue with an old and powerful mudra, an energy exercise that strengthens your immune system, and then go on to practicing a pranayama - the alternating breathing "Anuloma Viloma", to be more precise, which harmonizes your brain hemispheres. In the end of this first block you’ll find an activating part with dynamic asanas, such as the Millstone asana and “Pulling the rope”, which mobilize your body and free you from potential energy blockages.
In the middle block you will be doing the well-known asana “Warrior”, which fills you with energy and, above all, strengthens your legs.
The last block of this yoga workout consists of other activating asanas, such as the Downward Dog and variations of the Cat pose, as well as the “Pawanmuktasana”, an exercise that has a positive effect on your digestive system. At the end, you will practice “Savasana”, a state of deep relaxation during which you'll redirect all your attention towards your body, feel the yoga class and recharge your batteries with tons of positive energy with the help of a visualization exercise. You will finish off with Annette Arndt guiding you on how to slowly return to the "here and now".
Included Exercises
- Hatha Yoga easy - Part 1 17:43
- Hatha Yoga easy - Part 2 03:12
- Hatha Yoga easy - Part 3 20:17