Burn & Shape easy

Deine Wochenübersicht

This is where you will find all information on the program week selected in just one click. Once you start the program, all your completed weeks will be grayed out, but remain clickable.

Your courses for week 1

You will start with two of Steffi's short, yet nicely targeted workouts. You will then target those extra pounds with Michi's powerful “Calorie Killer” workout which, as its name suggests, burns countless calories.

Your courses for week 2

During your second week, you'll start by targeting your arms and glutes. You will then jump into round two with Michi's fat-burning moves: a powerful aerobic and fat burn class with which you'll get rid of some pounds and gain a nice figure.

Your courses for week 3

You will start a dynamic third week by boosting some fat burning with Michi's "Calorie Killer". Two combination sessions from Steffi's "LBT & Easy fat burn" series will then follow. This will tackle your legs, arms, abs and glutes.

Your courses for week 4

Michi's shaping course from the “Functional fat burner” series is what's new this fourth week. This course is topped off with another round of "Calorie Killer". Would you also dare to try Steffi's complete program from the "LBT & Easy fat burn" series?

Your courses for week 5

Keep up the good mood and step into this fifth and second-to-last week with Steffi's complete program from the "LBT & Easy fat burn" series. Michi's fat-burning moves and body shaping class will then follow.

Your courses for week 6

During these final seven days, you will power through with all the courses from Michi's "Functional fat burner" series as well as the complete "LBT & Easy fat burn" program.